
We found an apartment in SF. My computer won’t be out here for a week or two though, so no funny pictures for a while yet.

There’s a nice little park with a basketball court behind our new place. I played some one-on-one there today. My opponent was relentless with the jumpers from downtown. You could drive on him though, no problem. He had a massive brace on one knee and the other knee was wrapped. He couldn’t move laterally at all. You should have seen me drive on him. I asked if it was frustrating having the screwed up knees. He said, yeah, sometimes, but he said he was compensated somewhat by the romance of the damaged. Please explain, I said, and he said,

Well it’s like this. Think about when you were ten and you had a few Hot Wheels but one of them had been blown up by an M80 so it was all blackened and wobbly. Which one was your favorite? The blown-up one, of course. Or think about when you’re ten and you’re watching a kung-fu movie and the guy in the green robe has half a dozen throwing stars embedded in his forehead but he continues to kick ass. Then he’s got a spear sticking through him like a shish-kabob but he keeps on kicking ass. Of course you’re on his side. You’re crazy about him. You want to marry him. That’s the romance of the damaged. It’s a sense that’s strongest in 10 year-old boys but it’s easily rekindled. So when your knees are shot and you can’t move laterally, it’s cool, because you are Green Robe Guy, continuing to kick ass despite horrendous damage. (swish)
He could hit like 90% from the 3-point line if you didn’t stay right in his face. But like I said, you could drive on him at will so it made for a pretty stupid game. We switched to H-O-R-S-E after a while.